This week, in Barcelona, Aaron and Ludovic attended the 4YFN conference to pick up CryptPad's "Privacy and trust-enhanced technologies" Startup award granted by NGI.
CryptPad is an open-source, web-based suite of collaborative editors which employs client-side cryptography to ensure that the server is not able to access the contents of users’ documents. CryptPad offers a variety of editors and other multi-user applications: rich text, code editing with syntax highlighting and markdown preview, presentations, polls for scheduling, kanbans for project management, and whiteboards for collaborative illustration.
CryptPad is being actively developed by XWiki SAS and currently funded as part of the Open PAAS NG research project, funded by BPI France. For the last 14 years, XWiki SAS has been building Open Source Collaboration Software and providing professional services allowing organizations to better organize their information.
Our promise is that CryptPad cannot spy on its users and that your data is really your data.
Why does it matter?
It is difficult for all of us to give up powerful Internet services and software which bring us great value, but at the same time, we do not like to see how our data is being used for advertisement, political means or malicious hacking. Today this NGI Award is showing that it is possible to get our privacy back while enjoying powerful and easy to use services. We built CryptPad to show how far a team can go to empower users and increase their expectations of privacy from online services. While it was previously accepted that collaborative editing meant sacrificing confidentiality, we’ve not only proven that private editing is possible, but we’ve made our entire platform open source to ensure that this technology remains available.
Want to be a part of this movement?
Use CryptPad and other Zero Knowledge services every day, tell us what you like and what we can do better.
Talk to your friends and colleagues about Zero Knowledge, show them CryptPad and explain that this is what the cloud can be.
Candidate to XWiki SAS to join our team.
Show your support
Buy an upgraded account from, run by the CryptPad development team, or contribute to our Open Collective.
If you install the Open Source code of CryptPad on your own servers, consider buying a support contract.
If you’re a web developer, think about Zero Knowledge for your next web app.
About the NGI Initiative and awards
NGI is Europe’s new approach to creating a more human-centric internet. It invites citizens and communities striving for values like openness, inclusivity, transparency, privacy, cooperation, and data protection to provide input, and thus to help to guide the European Next Generation Internet funding agenda. NGI is a European Commission initiative which is being implemented by project partners throughout Europe.
The overall mission of the Next Generation Internet initiative is to re-imagine and re-engineer the Internet for the third millennium and beyond. We envision the information age will be an era that brings out the best in all of us. We want to enable human potential, mobility, and creativity at the largest possible scale – while dealing responsibly with our natural resources. In order to preserve and expand the European way of life, we shape a value-centric, human and inclusive Internet for all.