🎇 Want to learn how to simplify teamwork with real-time editing in XWiki via Collabora Online? Join our webinar.

XWiki Standard

A full featured Open-source wiki, available for free and with the help of our community and customers. Using structured data and in-page-scripting you can create macros and applications, making it the most flexible and scalable enterprise wiki-based tool.

Trusted by

The Influential XWiki Standard

Logo Facilitate employes collaboration XWiki

Facilitate employee collaboration XWiki

Encourage your employees to communicate better with each other and stimulate overall collaboration within the company with an easy-to-use collaboration tool. You can:

  • Create groups for your teams and grant or restrict access to pages as you see fit.
  • Use comments and annotations to give feedback and raise opinions.
  • Keep track of what's going on in the wiki with the activity stream and the watch feature.
Facilitate XWiki
Facilitate employee collaboration XWiki

Streamline your projects

XWiki Standard is a key asset for building engaged communities, structuring company data and growing customer centric & transparent organisations. You can:

  • Back-up your corporate information at any time.
  • Find information you are looking for with the advanced search engine.
  • Convert office documents into wiki pages, attach any type of file to pages.
Facilitate XWiki
Facilitate employee collaboration XWiki

Customize to your needs

XWiki is a light and powerful development platform. Using structured data and in-page-scripting you can create macros and applications that allow you to extend the capabilities of your wiki. You can:

  • Improve processes with built-in business applications.
  • Easily create new pages, templates and work spaces.
  • Customize it to your needs using AppWithinMinutes.
Facilitate XWiki
Open-source XWiki


XWiki is not only our software, it also belongs to the community and to you. We have built XWiki with developers that believe in it, worked hard to develop it, and we want to share it widely. You can:

  • participate directly to XWiki development.
  • fully control the software adapting to users and your company.
  • sponsor the XWiki development by purchasing our services.
Facilitate XWiki

Top Features


Advanced Collaborative Editing

WYSIWYG and macro editors, full history, attaching and previewing, commenting and annotations.


Structured Information

Create structure, drag-and-drop, AppWithinMinutes, livetables, blog, ideas, tasks and many more.


Enterprise Integration

Groups management, LDAP connection, PDF viewing and export, data import.


Flexibility and Extensibility

Full customization of the UI, over 600 ready-to-use extensions, hundreds of APIs available.

Try our influential Open Source Software. Free. Forever.