New Contributors to the XWiki Open Source Project

02 Nov 2005 5 min read

We are happy to announce that new contributors have joined the XWiki Open Source Project. As many people in the open source world know, it is one thing to create a software and open-source it, it is another to build a community to participate to the project, especially since there are more and more great open source projects out there.

This is why the news of having a significant number of contributors is really important for this project.

The new contributors are (listed alphabetically):

  • Alexis Kartmann, ex-CTO of Maporama, who contributed the Locking and the LDAP module.
  • Erwan Arzur, who has worked with me for more than 8 years at Netscape and NetValue, will help us out on scalability and the platform.
  • Jens Kraemer has created two plugins: the l'indexation Lucene Plugin which provides full-text search of XWiki and many attachment formats and the email notification plugin.
  • Jiri Luzny, an enterprise XWiki user, has contributed the automated Table of Content (TOC) as well as improvements to the PDF export. He is preparing some more contributions..
  • Roy Russo and other from JBoss Inc. are going to contribute their changes to make the JBoss Portal Server the second portal server to be compatible with XWiki after eXo Platform.
  • Stéphane Laurière et Christophe Clermont, from Mandriva (ex MandrakeSoft), will soon send us back their modifications to XWiki for the soon to be launched new Mandriva Club fully based on XWiki technology !!!
  • Vincent Massol, well known for his open -source Cactus and Cargo, and his contributions to Maven. He co-authored JUnit in Action and Maven, a developers notebook which should be published in June. Vincent has helped us out to transfer the XWiki code to SVN and ObjectWeb.

    Let's not forget the XPertNet contributors:
  • Jérémi Joslin has started an internship on XWiki and works on the packaging of XWiki Applications. He also likes RSS a lot and contributed improvements to the RSS/Atom plugin.
  • Luis Arias, responsible for business development at XPertNet, also likes coding and has contributed the Atom/LifeBlog plugin.

Of course I don't forget all the users that have sent me issues and suggestions. Thanks to precise information about what was going wrong we can correct things much faster.

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