Guest Blogging: Terms and Conditions
We love sharing knowledge and we welcome individual bloggers to contribute high-quality guest posts to the blog. However, before submitting a topic, please carefully read the guidelines below to ensure it complies with our terms and conditions.
Guidelines to follow if you'd like to write for us
Content idea: We value your time and efforts, so please pitch your content ideas before you write the actual article or Guest Post.
Original article: We only publish original articles (not previously published anywhere else, including your own site).
Content quality: Content should be of high quality with no spelling or grammatical errors.
Topics we cover: We accept content in the following categories: Knowledge Management, Productivity (tips and tricks), Data Management, Remote working, Open Source practices.
Recommended article length: 1200 – 2500 words.
Formatting: Provide a clear takeaway or learning for readers. Use headings, subheadings, and numbered lists/bullets to structure your writing.
Linking out: Include facts, research, sources, or personal anecdotes to substantiate your insights, information, and arguments with external links (no less than 3).
Internal linking:Link to’s published articles where appropriate.
Unique angle: Your post should be original and distinct from articles already posted on
Images/Videos: We encourage authors to include images/videos as part of the submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use images/videos and/or any other material from outside sources. If you include images or videos within the article, they must be high quality and come with source citations, only use images/videos for which you have permission or which are in the public domain (and of course, give credit where it is due).
Short paragraphs: Use short paragraphs, no more than 3-4 sentences per paragraph.
Article edits: We reserve the right to edit the content you submit but this will primarily be done to correct errors or make the content more readable.
Author bio and photo: All final drafts should be accompanied by an author bio and photo(150*150 px). The author bio should be up to 5 words long and may include 1 link to your website’s homepage with a brand name anchor text.
What we don't want: Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches; Fake product reviews, advertorials type of content will not be accepted or published.
Terms and Conditions
- Guest Posts must be your own original work.
- Plagiarism or copyright infringement is not permitted.
- When quoting others, please make sure to properly cite your source.
- Posts will acknowledge your authorship but will be the property of XWiki SAS.
- You are more than welcome to share a link to the posts you have authored on social media or your website.
- Affiliate links shall not be included in Guest Post submissions.
- Guest Post writers will be allowed to have one link to their website or social media profile within the author bio. This may not be an affiliate link or point to an affiliate site.
- We do not offer any compensation for writing Guest Posts.
- We do not guarantee any particular site or audience reach.
- XWiki SAS reserves the right to edit Guest Posts where necessary.
- Once we officially post a Guest Post, you're welcome to request we make grammatical or wording changes. Any edits that change the content or meaning of an article will need an "EDIT:" disclaimer added with a date. You are also welcome to request changes/updates to your photo, bio, or links.
- XWiki SAS reserves the right to refuse publication or remove a Guest Post.
- By providing a Guest Post to XWiki SAS, you agree that you are in no way becoming a part of the website or company, nor shall you hold yourself out to be a member of the website or XWiki SAS company.
Terms Of Use
- By submitting a Guest Post, you agree to us using it on our website (with any amends we deem suitable) and you will not claim for payment or copyright infringement now or in the future.
- When the article is published on our website, it is then owned by us and you are not permitted to re-publish the article without our prior written approval. XWiki SAS reserves the right to refuse publication or remove a Guest Post.
- By providing a Guest Post to XWiki SAS, you agree that you are in no way becoming a part of the website or company, nor shall you hold yourself out to be a member of the website or XWiki SAS company.
- Guest Post writers will be allowed to have one link to their website or social media profile within the author bio. This may not be an affiliate link or point to an affiliate site.
Ready to contribute? Use the form below and get in touch with us.